Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday's at 10:30 AM.
Nursery and the pre-school class are available starting at 10:30 AM.
Kindergarten through 5th grade, stay in the Sanctuary during worship, then are dismissed to go to Children’s Church.
The services are also available on Facebook Live, our website, and YouTube.
Wednesday Night Bible Studies
Every Wednesday at 6:30 pm
Adults will meet in Sanctuary for a Bible Study and Prayer Service.
Grace Youth Ministries, 6th – 12th grade, meets in the Chapel
Nursery and Pre-school available
Children’s Church, Kindergarten – 5th grade, will meet as well.
No Announcements at this time
Come Back Soon
Join us for our regular morning and Wednesday evening services. We look forward to welcoming you and sharing a meaningful experience together. Your presence makes our community stronger, and can't wait to see you there!